Sunday, October 29, 2023

Chex Mix Bars - Double Chocolate

Bars are always stressful for me, especially because they usually have a peanut flavor. And there's a peanut chex mix bar flavor! But the ingredients read as safe; there's no warning and GM says they'll use warnings, so I ate it. Then I felt scared, dizzy, lightheaded, etc. But I'm alive. Lol. This also has sorbitol in it, which is a dangerous game, but it's in potatoes and stuff too, so hopefully it's potato level and not sugar-free gummy level. OK, down to business.

The main flavor notes here are chewy sweet rice crisps. It's essentially a rice krispie treat with fake choco on the bottom. That's a decent sweet snack. The corn chex is really not for me, it's like subtle notes of corn chip in my sweet scary treat. The pretzel bits are nice. I love chocolate covered pretzels, and this is like chocolate covered pretzels hidden among some less good (but still fine) bits and bobs. It looks scary too, all brown and crumbled up. But I think it was fine. I bet I'll like the next one I eat much more! 

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 6/10

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