Saturday, November 9, 2024

Jelly Belly - Pumpkin Pie

Real talk, blog fans: I'm so sick of being miserable! I've thrown most of my {brain diet/supplements/unhelpful preventative medication/goals} out the window, which is maybe something I'll regret, but I gave it 4 solid months and in this moment I just want to feel maximal non-despair before I go (which everyone agrees is important for the ultimate goals of improving the world and supporting others!!). 

In service of this mission, I ate about twenty of Jelly Belly's Pumpkin Pie Jelly Bean. This is a jelly bean flavor that needn't exist. Also, a bag with only one flavor of jelly bean is weird and bad. This is a flavor I don't think I've had before. My first reaction was that it tastes a lot like Dr. Pepper, and not just in terms of the "spices" (although there is a spicy vibe -- clove? cinnamon? allspice?), but also it feels fizzy! Like a bottle cap candy but with jelly bean texture. If they called this "Store Brand Cream Soda" I think I would like it more. I guess the flavor is enjoyable, but a bit weird too. The color is pleasing. Would not purchase again, but if this is in a mix of flavors, I would rank it toward the middle. (That is also where I'd rank myself in terms of people, so it's no major insult.)

Cost: 7/10
Taste: 6/10

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