Sunday, October 6, 2024

Stauffer's Ginger Snaps

Ginger snaps! Of course! They're a delicious cookie without chocolate or raisins, and ginger is theoretically good for nausea (in practice it seems to have no impact on me, but hey, any excuse to eat cookies). I grew up in Stauffer's territory, but I remember at least the animal crackers having a nut warning. However, things have changed: according to their website* they are nut free since 2021! They're also owned by Meiji USA, which means Hello Panda is back on the table (teenage me would be very excited about this).

These taste great, but then again I've always been a ginger enthusiast. Good spice level, feels "not enough" at first but builds to a pleasant warm afterglow. Mainly clove and ginger forward, but the red pepper and cinnamon are definitely noticeable. There is nothing I would change about the taste, but the texture is just "eh" for me. They're firm, crunchy, but there is no "snap". I either want a fun bendy cookie or a fun snappy cookie, and this is just a rigid dry biscuit. That's OK though, texture is hardly the most important element of food (for me). They smell good and look nice, to round out the sensory repertoire. My dad's dad's mom had an excellent ginger cookie recipe which tasted very similar to these and I now have a renewed interest in tracking it down. (See? Sweets stave off depression!!)

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 8/10

*Their website FAQ is very charming, as it references other local St(o)uffer's and says kind things about them even as they clarify they are a different entity.

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