Saturday, July 3, 2021

Wild Berry Skittles

Skittles are always fun. Ultimately these were a bit weird, and I don't know if I would prefer them to the OG Skittle mix, but they're still fun to try. The five flavors are as follows -- 

Wild Cherry - not my favorite, tastes like cherry cough syrup. 5/10

Strawberry - Just OK, a little medicinal, a little too sweet. 6/10

Berry Punch - These are the purple ones, and they're good -- similar to some other tropical candy, they taste like the store 'plant potpourri' smells, which is weird. Sweet. 6/10

Raspberry - A classic blue candy flavor! What wild berry should be all about. 7/10

Melon Berry - These are green and great, juicy! Not sure if melon is really a 'berry' though. Vibes of lime/lemon/melon. 7/10

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 6/10

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