Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Pepperidge Farm Raspberry Milano Cookies

Everyone likes a regular Milano cookie, but what happens when you add raspberry? Then you have a cookie that tastes like raspberry. Very much like the raspberry Dunkin shot! Which I do like in moderation, but while it elevates the occasional latte, I think it degrades the already tasty Milano. Yes, the original is better. These are still good because all PepFarm cookies are good; the texture is nice and light and crumbly, the dark chocolate still shines through a bit, and the cookie shell is delicate and sweet. But the predominant flavor is "raspberry flavor", and even though it's natural, it tastes a bit artificial (maybe just due to my Dunkin association). Of course I will eat and enjoy these, but I think they're in my bottom tier of PepFarms.

Cost: 6/10 (Under 3$ on Amazon!)
Taste: 6/10

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