Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Kaukauna Spreadable Cheese - Port Wine

I really, really like spready cheese. I used to get a 12 pack of soft cheese (aka spready cheeses) from the Wisconsin Cheeseman every winter, but now it has a stupid "may contain peanuts" warning, which is absurd because it's cheese. SIGH. Anyway, this has the same texture as that, mostly. The taste isn't quite as good, but that's alright. It's still way too easy to eat the whole darn tub at once, at least for me. I don't know how long this actually lasts once it's open because I always eat it within a week of opening, and usually much sooner than that if we're being honest with ourselves. It's good with a firm cracker, like a wheat thin, otherwise you gotta break out a knife or something and I'm not about that (It's really Dippy Cheese in my book). Actually this tastes a lot like the little cheese compartment in Handi-Snacks cheese and crackers, which is nostalgic. But this is 6 bucks. Anyway, it's worth it, and I wish they had more complex/fun flavors on offer! (The cheddar is basically indistinguishable from this one).

Cost: 4/10
Taste: 8/10

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