I like brownies, and I like Dolly Parton, so I thought I'd go for it with these. The trouble is, Duncan Hines has a bad rep among the ~nut allergy community~. They don't really label for shared lines, and some people have had reactions (apparently; you never can fully trust some of the reports). Betty Crocker and Pillsbury are seen as much safer bets. But, this label reads as safe, and I figured the only other nut brownie they have is walnuts and I'd notice a walnut. Well, I feel like a bit of a fool, because after baking these (which was easy enough), there were little white flecks in my brownies. Probably just unmixed mix, BUT, what if it's WALNUT? So that freaked me out. I ate one and am still alive (for now), but if I never update again, blog, it was a walnut. Assuming I'm just being a paranoid moron, though, the taste itself was fine -- pretty standard fudgy brownie imo. I'd rather a more buttery one, like the chocolate chip hybrid version, but it's fine. The texture is almost disconcertingly wet, but I think they're cooked through (but I can't be sure). They also completely fell apart when I cut them, although I didn't use exactly the right size pan, so I may bear some of the blame. Basically, I'm too neurotic for these brownies, but they're fine otherwise. Like 200+ calories each (and there's 15-16 of them), so they'll last hopefully: 2 weeks, probably: 2 days :P
Cost: 5/10
Taste: 7/10