Saturday, February 27, 2021

Haribo Gold Bears

Unlike the Valentine pack, this actually contained one of each of the classic five flavors. And I guess I was just low on food but I liked it more than I normally like Haribo, even though the texture is still stupid to me. 

The flavors are: 

 Strawberry: Weird because it's green! But tastes nice, has a light strawberry flavor and a fruity gummy vibe.

Raspberry: It's just fine, very neutral to me. Kinda evokes beer (or framboise).

Pineapple: Also fine. Light pineapple flavor.

Lemon: This has a stronger flavor than the others! Nice and lemony.

Orange: My least favorite one -- a light orange flavor but also kind of bitter, I don't love it.

Really all in all not bad, the flavors are mostly very subtle but they are still distinct/recognizable.

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 6/10

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