Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Vermont Smoke & Cure Uncured Bacon Pork Sticks

OK, Blogger just updated their interface and it's weirding me out. Anyway, another flavor of meat stick! Supposedly no cumin in this one, and nut-free, so that's good. This is all pig meat, which is a different flavor than your beef/turkey sticks -- this tastes almost exactly like a ham slice, except it's cold and there's no pineapple flavor (I usually make a ham with a pineapple). It's kinda uncanny. I like ham fine, and it's cool to have a shelf-stable version, but I'm so used to the spicy turkey meat stick that it's weird to have one that tastes so plain, even if I like ham fine. Seems like with all the seasoning or juice in the ingredients that it should have a more....seasoned? taste, and it just doesn't. Also doesn't really taste like bacon, although maybe the difference between ham slice and bacon is just texture? But it's got a ham slice texture. Anyway, I'm not sure where this falls for me. I don't hate it but I don't see myself craving it ever really. Plus I think it's more likely to be cancerous than turkey is, right? (Is that right???)

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 6/10

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