Friday, November 4, 2022

Hormel - Dinty Moore Beef Stew (microwave bowl)

I ate this 1 hour ago and I'm still feeling weird about it. Weird because even though it made no mention of peas, what if there's peas in it? And weird because honestly this smelled so weird. It smelled like World War II. (I can say this because my grandpa was there and I have smelled his war smelling items.) It was also weirdly oily. But only 200-some calories? What is happening in this 1-minute-cook-time room temperature-storing stew?! It has carrot (fine) potato (fine) and beef (a little dry, but fine) in some oily beef broth (couldn't eat this part, less fine). It was fine. Decently filling. Very convenient. But the aftertaste is a lil bit funky. I didn't die, it seems, so I might get this (or another Hormy) again, but I don't think I will, because it was pretty weird. I didn't grow up with this genre of ready meal! I am not ready!

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 6/10

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