Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Capri Sun - Pacific Cooler

O'blog, my life is falling apart and all I have to comfort me is the single capri sun I bought because I didn't get one at Arby's. It's not all that comforting because Capri Suns aren't very good. I'm not a major juice fan, but even amongst juices (or sweet drinks), this is D tier. It tastes like plasticy grape juice with a ton of sugar poured in. Might be better if I added a gallon of water, making a vitamin-water-esque concoction, but it's too late for that now. Just like it's too late for me to find love because the people I like keep moving across the country. Ha ha! Keep on truckin', though, capri sun and blog fans. :')

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 5/10

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