Sunday, October 21, 2018


Airheads! What a classic and unique candy. These are nut-free, even with the little X-thru-a-peanut symbol on the packaging, so I'm predisposed to like them. Plus you get 5 individually wrapped bars here, so you can save them for however many servings you like, which is nice (I'd recommend 5). The flavors are fairly distinct, I think cherry is my favorite and blue (just blue) is my least favorite, as it's the sweetest with the least nuance. (I'm not sure what the White Mystery flavor is supposed to be - it tasted kind of like a mix of all of them, like a dumdum, and a cursory Google reveals that to be the case! Mine mostly was cherry flavored, which I like.) But there's not a ton of nuance to be found in all, they are mostly just firm rectangles of sugar with a weird gritty (hehe, gritty) texture. Very sweet and almost like gum that slowly dissolves and then you're like "did I eat gum?". So...yeah! Not the greatest candy in the world, but at least it's safe. :D?

Grape flavor: I'm kinda surprised this wasn't included in the 5-bar pack, it seems like grape is usually a base edition flavor! I also usually don't like the grape flavored candy (see: jolly rancher, popsicles, skittles), but I enjoyed this one.  It wasn't overly sweet like some of the other flavors, but still had a nice strong grape flavor, like a sweet candied juice. I enjoyed it. 7/10

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 5/10

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