Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Haribo Goldbears - Wild Berry

I can't buy a little treat every time a new stressor emerges, because then I'd have infinite little treats and therefore no little treats. But if there's like, 50 new ones and I'm about to go to the store, I feel it's fair game. Plus this is a new flavor. Gotta check it out for the people.

Wild Cherry: Pink is a weird color for cherry. This tastes a lot like plastic and weird gummy. I'm out on Wild Cherry Haribo. 5/10

Raspberry: Tastes a bit like a cough drop. I'm out on Raspberry Haribo. 5/10

Blueberry: OK. Blue is a reasonable color for blueberry. 6/10

Blackberry: This one isn't great either. In fact I assumed it was grape, even though grape is not a wildberry (although it would be a wild berry). 5/10

Strawberry: This is pretty good. Better than strawberry usually is. 6/10 

Hmm. Maybe I'm just in a cranky mood. But at the same time, these are super firm, not very flavorful, and a little plasticcy. So maybe Haribo is to blame instead.

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 5/10

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