A lot of people (online) talk about how coffee creamer is a major trigger for migraine/vertigo/etc, and I definitely have felt terrible after I consume it, but I don't know if that's fully Biological or fully Psychological, even though I'm trying really hard to be scientific about the whole enterprise (of my agonies). A tragic thing about living alone is that I have no one I trust to set up little masked studies for me! Anyway, the blessing in disguise is that this contains 63 servings but goes bad after 7 days, so I only sampled it a few (=7) times and now I can go back to my biological and/or psychological baseline. I can also feed the neighborhood mammals a lot of janky expired creamer; happy holidays kitten and squirrelfriends.
The flavor isn't even that good, or at least, it isn't good enough to vom because of. I don't usually get cream in my coffee regardless, possibly for vom-based reasons below my past level of awareness, and so this just adds a non-coffee note that I don't need. It turns coffees into desserts, I guess. I do like desserts, but there are many more delicious dessert options. It sinks to the bottom of the cup and so you just get vaguely tangy sweet-ish flavors until you get a sudden burst of "dunkin spice", which if you get a lot of Dunkin products you'll know what I mean. It's not super duper artificial, but it's a bit "off", a bit nutmeggy, sweet and creamy, sure, but not only. I don't know if I've ever had a pumpkin munchkin, but I've had their munchkins and their pumpkin donuts and I would say this is a pale imitation, as if someone sneezed over the pumpkin donut powder and it fell into a vat of expired creamer mixed with a cinnamon flavor shot.
Cost: 5/10
Taste: 6/10
Doesmyhousesuddenlysmelllikegarbageorisitjustmybrain: 10/10