Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Ragu Kettle Cooked Tomato Basil Sauce

Not bad, Ragu, not bad at all. Or maybe that's mild deprivation talking. But this has no sugar, clean ingredos, no weird texture, no weird taste. Just pleasant herby tomato sauce, with a little garlic but not too much. Not sweet or oniony or anything of note, but made the pasta much tastier than it otherwise would have been. Huzzah.

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 7/10

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Swanson Natural Goodness Lower Sodium Chicken Broth

Really scraping the bottom of the review barrel here, since this is indistinguishable from the Unsalted Chicken Broth and the Regular Chicken Broth. But it is technically a hybrid of those two broths, and therefore a unique product. It was, as always, fine. Made some nice chicken enchilada soup with it. It was a little salty. さすが chicken broth.

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 6/10

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Cap'n Crunch's Arctic Crunch - Vanilla Frost

The reviews for this are so bad... I couldn't stay away. The reviews are correct. I should have stayed away. This tastes like frozen lima beans, which I haven't had in a loooong time, because I am allergic to beans. But lima beans are the only bean I don't miss, because they are mealy and gross. This cereal isn't mealy (it's Kix-texture), but it is gross. Genuinely, it tastes like freezer burn (arctic crunch!) and light vegetable. Very weird vibes. I don't get any "cooling effect", though, which is just about the only good thing you get with these novelty frosty cereals. OK, one other good thing here: the aesthetics of the cream & cerulean orbs are very good and unique. It's one of the prettiest cereals I've ever seen. Like glass orbs in a modern Nordic-inspired home catalogue. Other than bad bean, the main flavor note I detect is "aspirational vanilla frosting (gluten free?)". Like me, its aspirations remain unfulfilled. 

As I did my usual "eating a new food allergy panic attack website google" (parse that one, syntax nerds), I saw that this is no longer listed under available products on the Quaker site (though it is ostensibly allergen free). Smart move, Cap'n. 

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 4/10

Partake Classic Grahams

These taste like a foot, and I do not have a foot fetish. Just a very weird, slightly tangy(?) unpleasant flavor note going on here. Then the aftertaste is much better: like the buttery flour-heavy cookie dough base from the Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book binder. You know the one. After some mixing of taste and aftertaste, things level out to a slightly weird, slightly fine floury cookie. None of these things are classic OR graham, but it wasn't a total waste of a cookie. Weird stuff. Soft texture. Small circle shape (again, graham who?).

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 6/10

Friday, March 14, 2025

Abe's One Big Muffin - Banana

I didn't enter a big muffin phase intentionally, but what the produce box delivers, I accept with open arms. This flavor is boring. I like banana things, breads especially, and I have been abstaining from banana for about 9 months since it's supposedly histamine rich. But no longer! Anyway, even with all that distance, this flavor is boring. Maybe on a par with blueberry, which is better visually but maybe the same taste-ily. Choco is still the best big muffin (so far).

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 6/10

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Abe's One Big Muffin - Chocolate Chip

I know that 'in for a penny, in for a pound' is one of my most toxic patterns, but also, I'm in for a lot of pennies at the moment. So the fact that this chocolate chip muffin probably weighs a pound is irrelevant to me. This one is better than the big corn muffin and big blueberry muffin, but I'm not sure if it's because I ate it cold and not in a hurry, or if it's truly better tasting. The chocolate chips are like normal lil dark chocolate chips and the rest of the muffin tastes like normal muffin. The texture is a little bit too dense for my preference, but it's not egregious. Overall it is a treat, which is what you want from your weird large nut-free muffin. 

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 7/10

Monday, March 10, 2025

Country Fresh Carrots

I had a moment today where a richie rich was complaining about egg prices (up to 3.50$/dozen here, which is frankly still cheap per calorie) and I almost said, "why don't you just replace eggs with carrots?", which is a sign I need to g2b. Luckily I kept my carrot propaganda to myself. Carrots are really cheap though. And so versatile! I don't even like carrots, but I can't deny that they last a long time and add a certain "fun orange color" to any food. Good for rice, good for soup, good for pasta, good for salad if I could still eat raw produce without OAS. Good. But the taste is very "I'm eating this as a chore, but it could be worse". Oh well.

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 6/10