Thursday, August 29, 2024

Organic Thomcord Seedless Table Grapes

"Thomcord" is a jolly fine name for a grape. It's a cross between Concord and Thompson grapes, but that's not very informative because most grapes don't tell you what kind of grapes they are (unless it's a wine). To my unseasoned palate, they taste exactly like concord grapes do. And I don't like Concord grapes because they taste like grape jelly which makes me scared about peanut butter. A trace of the true self and all that. But now that I teeter on the edge of survival (and/or am doped up on spurious brain meds), I don't have the genuine fear response I usually have to that flavor. So, I can eat them all with no trouble, but I still don't think they taste all that good. The stem side also is very starchy, and even though they're seedless, it feels like there are seeds because there is a definite crunch. They are smaller than typical grapes and look identical to blueberries. A cute small thing with a funny name that doesn't taste very good and has a dino on the package? Not the worst thing in the world.

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 5/10

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