Friday, August 9, 2024

Langers 100% All Cranberry Juice

For those days when you can't have coffee, tea, hot choco, seltzer, or alcohol, there's always 100% Cranberry Juice! I remember in my peak covid era feeling a similar way, so at least my past woes are paying present dividends. Sometimes it is nice to drink something other than water, but also something that's not Forbidden. I'd never heard of Langers, but this is indeed 100% cranberry juice, no sugar added, the same exact stats as the Ocean Spray version. At first sip I thought "yo this is bitter and terrible, I feel my teeth dissolving as we speak", but like all the great drinks (see sentence 1 for list of great drinks), it gets better the more you have. Still not quite as tasty as ocean spray, but maybe a blind taste test would reveal that's just my prejudice talking. If things get truly dire, I'll propagate this blog with such riveting content as cranberry juice taste tests!

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 6/10

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