Friday, August 23, 2024

Fresh Express Spinach

This is spinach (or épinards, for you Canadians out there). I have always liked it because it is healthy and cronchy and green and gets so so small when you cook it and yet is so so big when you try to put it in a wrap or sandwich or something. Lately I am having a lot of chicken wraps with unaged cheese and spinach, and if I can be real with you, the highlight of those banal wraps is definitely the spinach. It is also good with pasta (less so rice) and of course for salads. The downsides of spinach: it gets slimy pretty fast in the fridge, and if you eat a lot of it it has an unpleasant gritty texture. Hard to hit that spinach sweet spot of Very Fresh and Just a Little, but if you do, it's solid.

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 6/10
Dear God I'm Reviewing Spinach: 9/10

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