Wednesday, August 14, 2024

essentia water

Water is the new wine! Just kidding. Although it is a liquid that tastes extremely similar to other versions of itself, with vastly differing price points and markets. But I don't intend to try too many different packaged waters, even if I never drink wine again. The only reason I have this one is because I can't drink Gatorade etc presently (due to citric acid), but I was in the market for an electrolyte beverage. However, I got fully suckered in by the packaging here. This is just water. It is not an electrolyte beverage. There's like, 1 electrolyte. Which is only there "for taste". Hmph. Anyway, it tastes pretty good as bottled waters go. No plastic taste, very thick. Good body. Subtle notes of "my mouth". I never considered the acidity of water, but I suppose I'd rather less acidity, which is what this is (9.5 pH or higher!). Isn't water usually like 7? I'm not sure. I've entered my "I should really take biochem" era of food reviews. Learning is a lifelong journey! 

Cost: 4/10 (2$)
Taste: 6/10

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