Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Herb-Science Vitamin B2 Supplement

As far as supplement brands go, this one is on the less-legit-looking side. The name alone evokes suspicion. But B2 is apparently not available in a appropriate form via my already vetted sources, and although I am kind of out of energy to vet, this one does say that it is nut free. And the ingredients are only B2, water, and glycerin. Therefore I eye-dropped it into my juice as instructed. It doesn't have a noticeable taste (in juice), but it is a neon yellow color, which makes it seem legit. Also, this reminds me of a sign I saw on the church by my house:

   `The best vitamin for friendship is B1.'

I didn't understand it because I'm so deep in vitamin land that I forgot about language land! I was like, "what does that mean? Is that true? Should I also take B1????" But it's a silly and syntactically weird thing to say, anyway.

So, back to business. Does this do anything: no. Of course not! Well, (content warning?), it does make your pee really yellow, so that's something. But alas, I aspire to more.

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 5/10
Efficacy: 2/10

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