Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Oscar Mayer Turkey Uncured Franks

Unlike with bread, there aren't a lot of "may contain nuts" warnings in the hot dog section, so I wasn't starved for choice in my wiener shopping. I like to get something both cheap and low-calorie, but also not a weird looking store brand, so I settled on these bad boys. They're perfectly serviceable, even though I will admit the turkey taste is less delicious than a beef or even chicken dog. However, it isn't THAT big a difference, especially with condiments, and it's also much healthier both in terms of calories and carcinogens. They don't shrivel up when you cook them, which is actually disappointing to me, but whatever - 28 seconds in the microwave and you have a filling snack or meal, with protein, for like 1$. Can't argue with that.

Cost: 6/10 [3$]
Taste: 6/10

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