Monday, August 20, 2018

Just Crack an Egg - Ultimate Scramble

I remember when I first saw an ad for these a few months ago, I was intrigued and watched a few video reviews, but I didn't end up buying one because (a) microwave eggs are gross and (b) I could make the same thing myself way cheaper if I wanted to, or just go to Dunkin! But eventually they lured me in to buying one, it's like easy mac for eggs, how fun! Plus, the worst part of all premade/frozen breakfast stuff is always the egg, which is gross and watery and chewy. So even in the microwave, surely a real fresh egg would taste better. And it did! I followed the directions exactly, and the egg firmed up, much to my surprise. It seemed like one egg made a decent amount of egg, which was cool. The cheese/potatoes/peppers/sausage was all good-ish, kind of like you'd expect them to taste (but no worse)! I like the potatoes best and I wish there were more potato, less onion/pepper. Maybe more cheese, less sausage, too, but that's just personal preference. Anyway those are minor ratio quibbles, but this was really quick and easy and fairly fun to make too. It's a lot of packaging, so probably not great for earth, but for a quick breakfast at home (or on the go!) I enjoyed it and I'll probably quick out the other flavors eventually.

Cost: 5/10 (Like 2-3$, plus you need eggs)
Taste: 7/10

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