Friday, May 29, 2020

Mission Street Taco Flour Tortillas

I got these today, and they expire tomorrow. OK, Target. OK, Mission. Sheesh. Anyway, I had 2 tonight because obviously time is of the essence. I ask myself, what is Mission doing that whoever made the other flour tortillas I just ate (El Paso?) is not, to make them expire so quickly?! But the taste of these was actually noticeably better, fresher, thicker. Maybe there's some sort of trade-off. They are almost like a cross between a pita and a tortilla. I gave em a 33 second microwave and they were good. I just ate them plain/with cheese dip since my avocado was also expired. Coronatine is very bad, but these tortillas are pretty good. We'll see how they hold up post-fridge, and 1week post expiry!

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 7/10

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