Friday, September 7, 2018

Just Crack an Egg - Denver Scramble

This is it, squad. My prototypical scramble. Ham, egg, cheesers, pepper, potato, I guess onion. So classic. I wonder if the new Dunkin Bowls will be better or worse than this? Certainly more unhealthy. This clocks in at under 200 calos, which is pretty great. As always, this is super fast/fun/easy to make, and fairly filling considering it's only one egg. This one seemed cheesier than the others, which I enjoy! The cheese and pepperato mix are good, but sadly the ham cubes aren't doing it for me. They aren't offensive, just very processed/a little bit chewy; I'd rather have lil deli ham slices in there or something. Ultimately I don't know that this is worth buying on a regular basis, it's kind of pricy and breakfast food is pretty cheap and easy to make on your own. I'm just so lazy...and it's so fun.... Thank goodness there's still one flavor I haven't tried, though I've never seen it at the store! The holy grail! Stay tuned?

Cost: 5/10 [2.99 + an egg]
Taste: 7/10

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