Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Hungry-Man Roasted Carved White Meat Turkey

I can't believe I haven't reviewed this before! It's the quintessential Hungry Man dinner. Other shocks: they changed the corn to mixed veggies, there's a hyphen in Hungry-man?!, and this is only 410 calories. Maybe they should change the name to Healthy Man. Except definitely not, because this is full of sodium, soy protein, and not much ~real food~. I will say that it was quite filling for 410 calos, and also that it's changed a LOT since I remember it last (mostly for the worse, sadly).

So: the veggies are a small portion of carrot/corn/green bean. Just like 2 spoons full. They taste decent, a little buttery, but not as good as corn. The potatoes are very "from a powder that I put too much water in" tasting, but potatoes in gravy are ultimately potatoes in gravy. The stuffing is only a few pieces, it seemed OK. The turkey is 3 decent sized circles, but they're kind of like warm lunchable turkey. Highly processed, a little itchy, but not terrible. The dessert has no crumble, only 2 spoons of a sweet red juice with a few cranberry/apple mini chunks. It was fine. Honestly this was all OK and easy and filling and low-cal for a dinner, so if it's on sale it's not the worst thing. But I can't in good conscience recommend it, either, since no part of it was what I'd call "good". C'est la vie.

Cost: 6/10 [2.50$]
Taste: 5/10

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