Thursday, May 31, 2018

Cool Ranch Doritos

It's my birthday! And I'm celebrating by eating more leftover party chips because they expire in a week and also I'm too busy to go to the store. Here's hoping we get an influx of fun new foods in the mail soon! (I bet we will, don't worry). Anyway, like I said, I'm not the hugest Dorito fan. While the original cheese ones were better than I remembered, these are about the same. I don't know if they necessarily taste like ranch, but they don't taste much like cheese, which means the corn chip shines through more, and whatever seasoning is on here is not strong enough to hide the Dorito's true form: a triangular Frito (D:). Apparently in other countries this is called "cool American" flavor because they don't have ranch, which is funny to me. Just another reason to hate America, guys. Anyway, these aren't vomit inducing, but I'll never like them and I don't understand people who do.

Cost: 8/10
Taste: 4/10

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