Sunday, February 18, 2018

Dove Milk Chocolate Hearts

I think these are the same product as the non-heart shaped Dove pieces (what are they called? squares? tidbits? I don't remember!) but somehow the cute heart shape is more fun than normal, a bit thicker maybe, and very seasonal (although let's be clear, I bought these in a post V-day sale). The chocolate is a little creamier than your standard Hershey's kiss/bar (one of the only other nut-free chocolates available in the USA), and tastes a bit like a Red Symphony Bar if you've ever had those, pre-nut-warning. It's very tasty and even though these are portioned for me, it's hard not to eat more than 1 or 2. They also have cute little phrases on the wrappers, like "Sleep under the stars tonight" (no thanks) or "Do something spontaneous" (hmmm). I like this fun little touch, it makes them like the fortune cookies of candy, which is a smart move. I guess like conversation hearts, but actually societally considered tasty. I'm a fan! When my roommates finally move out this summer, I'll keep a candy dish full of Dove chocolate most of the time, for sure.

Cost: 6/10 (2.50 on sale)
Taste: 7/10

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