Wednesday, June 26, 2024

wize Sparkling Iced Tea - apple

A fun new drink in a can! But, a weird one. It does have an apple taste and a tea taste, so the branding is accurate. The fact that it's sparkling is throwing me a little bit. And there's no coffee taste, which I guess makes sense because it's made of coffee Leaf and Leaf = tea vibes. It makes me a little nervous in the throat, but I did drink the whole can and no death was imminent. But tea always feels a little weird and drying, right!? Anyway, I would rather just drink some unflavored real tea, or coffee. It does smell like fresh apple juice which is a nice smell, but the taste is just not quite what I want. I did order another one like a dork though, so maybe I didn't hate it all that much.

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 5/10

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