Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Toaster Strudel - Cherry

More like Toaster Boo-del! (I originally considered Toaster Poo-del but thought that was a little too harsh.) This flavor is whack. Also, the freezer aisle was super crowded so I bought these without my usual ingredient/expiry check, and while I'm not allergic, they were expired!! My store sucks. But I ate them anyway due to Sunk Cost Fallacy and also my parents would say "omg it's frozen, they're FIIINE". But they were not fiiine. I mean, they didn't make me ill(er), but I think it's not just in my head that the pastry felt old, less flaky, stale. What's more, and what's assumedly not oldness related, the filling is surprisingly distinct from the raspberry flavor -- in a bad way. It's bright red, and not fruity, more medicinal. I do not love it. It's edible, but not worth the bad nutrition. Where are you, apple?

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 5/10

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