Sunday, June 23, 2024

2022 Vistamonte Piedmonte Dolcetto

The week long heat warning in my area finally ends tonight... I have a doctor's appointment this week.... trying to cultivate "hope"... This wine didn't help, though. It's supposed to be aged 2 years, which it was, but the taste just wasn't my favorite kind of red. This was my first "Dolcetto", which is a cute name (little sweet?) but the flavor was Big Body & a Little Old. Mild rancid vibes. Sweet, yes, more merlot(?) than cab. No bite. I also got a face rash soon after drinking this last night, although that might be an unrelated heat-skin reaction??, but it put me on edge. Then again, it's just wine, so cheer up! My inner monologue needs some work. Also, the recipe sounds great but I'm still not up to it. The song was "meh". Save me, doctor! For the sake of my dear readers! ☺

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 5/10

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