Thursday, June 7, 2018

Zeigler's Apple Cherry Carrot Fruit & Veggie Juice Blend

Unless it's mixed with vodka, I don't really drink juice, so I was kind of predisposed to dislike this. I only want sugar in desserts and coffees thank you very much! But this is a cute container, a carton rather than plastic, and it has vitamin C and carrot juice (ew) so that's healthy. I also waited until the "best by" date to drink this, which is my bad, but I don't think it impacted the flavor. The flavor is OK. It's not too veg-heavy which is good (no tomato juice at all!) and it's sweet and thick. Kind of like those Odwalla smoothie drinks that used to be popular (with me) (in college). The color is a bit offputting, it's a dark brownish-orange, but if you don't look at it and don't think about vegetables then I suppose it's alright. Not sure if this is the funnest or healthiest way to get your Vitamin C, but if you like juice then it's probably just fine.

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 4/10

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