Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Welch's Fruit Rolls - Berry

These fruit roll-ups -- I'm sorry, "fruit rolls" -- are not quite as tasty as the fruit-roll-up brand name, but the process of unfurling a long roll of foodstuffs is equally delightful, even as a so-called adult. Plus there's the bonus that fruit is apparently the #1 ingredient in these, before even sugar, so that's nice. I don't want to delude myself into thinking these are healthy, but they sure are fun. Pretty thick, sweet, tastes like berry (grape, apple, and blueberry/raspberry notes, maybe?), a convenient and portable option; what more could you want? Plus Welch's is pretty great about not having nuts in their stuff (even though I associate them with Grape Jelly of Death).

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 7/10

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