Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Golden Blossom Honey

Today has been a pretty emotional day, but I can't have any delicious vices and I'm too weary to cook anything, so I put some honey in my ginger juice. Jury's still out on the juice, but this honey is nice. It says that it's peanut & nut free on the back, which makes sense as the ingredients are Honey (full stop), but is still a comforting reassurance. If somebody said that nail polish was nut free, I'd like that too. It tastes like honey and had no unexpected badnesses. The only downside is that the bottle is not shaped like a bear. But it lasts forever and is a nice citrus-and-chocolate-free way to add sweetness to things!

Cost: 4/10 [8$]
Taste: 7/10

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