Friday, September 20, 2024

Gerber Pear Juice

This is a baby juice. It is in the baby aisle and not the grocery aisle where adult products are. But listen, it is impossible to find pear juice otherwise!! I even looked on bad bad Amazon and the cheapest bottle you can get (other than Gerber) was 30+ dollars including shipping. That is too many dollars for juice. Plus the ingredients are just pear juice and water, so like, just because there's a baby on it doesn't mean it's a special thing. I feel very defensive about this issue. Anyway, I never had pear juice before, so I was curious to try it. It's OK. The smell is pretty horrible (rotting? floral?) but the taste is pleasant enough. Nothing to write home about, but muddled with basil/mint and sparkling-watered up, it's a nice "mocktail". Honestly, maybe I should see what other kinds of products are available in the baby aisle.

Cost: 6/10 [3$]
Taste: 6/10

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