Monday, July 29, 2024

Strawberries and Cream Dr Pepper

You'd think that someone who likes sweets and drinks as much as I do would therefore like Sweet Drinks, but I've never been into sodas as a category, so it's no surprise this didn't wow me. It's also no surprise that I bought it anyway because I want to support my fellow Dr P and try something new that sounds a bit bad!

Actually, the flavor profile was very accurate. It was as if someone took a strawberry creamsaver (remember those?) and dropped it into a normal Dr Pepper. Why would anyone do such a thing? I do not know. But it wasn't too artificial tasting or horrible, just not something that needed doing. I would much rather have some candys or even a regular Dr Pepper. Nevertheless, it's fun to try new things! 

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 6/10

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