Friday, May 17, 2024

Chocolatey Chip Pancake Pop Tarts

Well, my long medical nightmare continues -- in fact, it's so dire I'm at my parents' place so that I don't die alone (lol). But all I bought with me food-wise was this unopened box of a new pop tart flavor! Big gamble! What they don't explicitly tell you is that these are SYRUP COVERED pancakes in flavor world, so the main note is actually maple syrup, which is not my favorite note. The flavor is OK -- it really does taste like maple and chocolate chip pancakes (or chocolatey, 'cause it's not Real Chocolate), but I'd much rather just eat pancakes proper than a pop tart. Still filling and unique and decent (and crucially, portable), but I also really don't love maple flavor and don't think I'd ever rebuy these. At least they're much better than the cursed Apple Jacks flavor. 

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 6/10

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