Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Starbucks Bottled Frappuccino - Mocha

Coronavirus is ravaging my community (kinda), so I bought this at the grocery store in preparation for Dunkin closing down. But then I drank it within 4 hours because I have a coffee problem. Anyway, it's not great. Definitely not worth 3 bucks. So inferior to fresh coffee or even most big bottle coffees. Has that weird "canned coffee" metal(?) taste to it, even though it's in a glass jar and ostensibly not that old. I dunno what this is, it's not in the big milk bottle jugs of cold coffee. The rest is fine if you can ignore the weird taste (I can't) -- very sweet, somewhat milky, maybe a tiny hint of mocha. Not worth it, future me! But there is sweet sweet caffeine in there, I assume, although they don't tell you how much on the bottle so I suspect it isn't very much at all.

Cost: 4/10 [3$]
Taste: 6/10

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