Sunday, November 15, 2020

Count Chocula Treats Cereal Bars

No nuts? In a Count Chocula bar? Sounds too good to be true, especially since there are also Reese's Puffs bars, but General Mills is supposed to be a good labeller, so I trust it. I enjoyed this a lot! It was basically Count Chocula cereal pieces (which basically taste like cocoa puffs) along with chocolate rice crispies (basically cocoa pebbles), and a few cereal marshmallows, covered in a chocolate drizzle. It really tastes like a cereal bar. I like it extra much because Count Chocula and all those Halloween cereals always used to have peanut in them inexplicably, but now it's apparently safe! Nothing like being denied something to make you want it, eh? I also suspect these are only on sale at Halloween time, so they're even more elusive. So cool.

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 8/10

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