Saturday, June 8, 2019

Partner's Snack Crackers - Olive Oil & Herb

Whew, do I have a story behind these crackers. So, originally I got a box of the plain flavor in the mail, and started eating them, as you do. They didn't have any nut allergy warning on the box. Then I went to the website to get info on the company, and the allergy info for them on the website says "made on nut equipment" basically. I was like "!!!!!!" and of course started to panic that I was dying. So I threw out the box, chugged some Benadryl, and sent a freaked-out angry email to the company saying they should make their packaging consistent with their website nutrition info. Then I forgot about it for a while.

A few weeks later, I got a nice email from a guy at Partners who apologized and told me that actually, the website is wrong, and no nuts are involved. I was like "Oh, that's great, but you should change the website then!" -- to this date, months later, they have not changed the website -- and he said there was some tech trouble with it or something, who knows. But he offered to ship me out a purportedly nut-free flavor of my choice, which of course I wouldn't refuse, so I got these Olive Oil & Herb crackers to actually try. And lots of them!

My review will try to abstract away from their tumultuous origin story, though. So - these crackers were fine. Good size and thin, crispy texture. A fairly unique taste, which is herby but not overmuch. Would go well with cheese. I mainly ate them on their own. My boyf was a bigger fan than I was and thought they were really good. I think he prefers blander food than I do, so that might be a factor. I would eat them again, but only once they update the website!

Cost: 5/10
Taste: 6/10

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