Monday, July 18, 2022

Samuel Adams Boston Lager

Sorry to break it to Sammy boy, but this beer is not what I'd call "distinctively complex". However, the feelings it generates are complex! I used to be totally devastated when I drank a Sam Adams because of the Boston job rejection that weighed on me (and does even still). Now time has numbed those feelings a bit. Time and beer. And that makes me hopeful that other devastations will also dull over time (and beer). This is also a company which is overtly nut-free, so even though the taste of this is very generic-veering-on-unpleasant, it's a normal beer and I can drink it at parties or friends' places (as this one was) without freaking out that I'm doing to die. But yes, the taste is not fruity or hoppy or malty or anything. It's just "cheap beer but a little stronger haha". Lagers don't ring my bell I guess. But it's certainly drinkable, dare I say chuggable, and that's not really what I value in a beer but I will never turn it down, anyway.

Cost: 6/10
Taste: 6/10

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