Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tootsie Rolls

Oh, tootsie roll. I have an idea that I really dislike these, and I actually don't dislike them -- they're nut free candy, after all -- but I can't say I like them, either. I bought a huge "Child's Play" candy mix for Halloween giving, and I ate all the Dots right away, and then the flavor rolls, but I still have 3 different sizes of Tootsie Rolls staring at me in a big pile. I WILL eat them eventually, so again, they aren't terrible, but it's an odd candy. Texture is fine, taffy-esque, but flavor is like chocolate and I don't like chocolate flavored things that aren't chocolate. That's really what it boils down to. However, I don't think these are popular among chocolate-lovers either -- they're kind of a candy dud. But Tootsie as a company is great, so I will endure.

Cost: 6/10 [Like 8$ for a HUGE bag]
Taste: 5/10

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