Monday, November 18, 2019

DIGIORNO pizzeria! Thin - Supreme Speciale

What a convoluted name, DiGiorno. OK, so my esteem for Digiorno is not very high, but these were on a big time sale at my usually expensive grocery store (4$ each!!) so I stocked up. Plus, this pizza did not have any soy in it, including in the meat!! This is super rare for a frozen pizza and I found it very encouraging. And indeed, the sausage tastes better when you're not puffy and scared to die. Roni and peppers/onions were all good as well, and the crust was surprisingly soft + crispy at once, a pleasant texture. The cheese and sauce were just "eh" to me, but overall it was a satisfying food. However, it wasn't particularly decadent, yet it was 1200+ calories (definitely a multi-mealer)!! I don't know if I can justify this as a single lady, but it was decent and better than expected.

Cost: 7/10 [4$]
Taste: 6/10

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