Monday, October 21, 2019

Act II Butter Lovers' Popcorn

I've bought this a few times now because other than the janky store brand, this is the cheapest popcorn for sale. At first I was hesitant because I like to get the "butter lite" types, since I thought Butter Lovers would be like, really bad for you. The problem with popcorn is that the nutrition labels are deeply inscrutable -- none of them are just "per bag" "popped" it's all "2tsp unpopped" and then I have no idea what that actually translates to. But I did the work once to translate it and the butter versions are so insignificantly different from the non butter versions, it's crazy! So therefore, I will buy the cheapest, which for some reason is this one which is half price of the other brands and flavors. Conclusion: it is good. Actually the butter "flavor" is not very good, but the texture is good and it doesn't burn easily and I usually pop most of the kernels, so it's a much better pop than other types I've had. I keep craving this so it must be decent; a fun cheap snack that is so-so healthwise.

Cost: 6/10 [2$]
Taste: 7/10

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